Program Description
Maple Tree’s Family Time Support Program works in partnership with Children’s Services and Collaborative Service Delivery agencies to facilitate safe and meaningful connections for parents and children. Maple Tree Family Time Support Workers provide transportation for children to and from their placements so they may consistently attend visits with their parents and siblings. Maple Tree Family Time Support Workers are also available to supervise Family Time as needed. During Family Time, Maple Tree Family Time Support Workers create a positive environment where parents are encouraged to engage with their children and practice positive parenting strategies to enhance their skills and promote healthy attachment.
Our team is also available to provide crisis/urgent care for children who have been apprehended or are in need of after-hours support.
Program Summary
- Trained and experienced Maple Tree Family Time Support Workers who work collaboratively with interdisciplinary teams
- Family Time Support Workers are skilled in trauma informed care and approach support from a harm reduction lens
- Transportation to and from Family Time
- Support for supervised or unsupervised Family Time
- Written reports describing transportation and Family Time are provided to the case team after each visit.
- After-hours support for urgent and crisis situations
- Case conference and STM availability from assigned Maple Tree Family Time Support Workers
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